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Where To Buy Kneeling Chairs

If you have ever had any problems with you lower back or back pain in general then you will know how important it is to have the correct posture or to at least get some kind of relief from the pain associated with sitting for long periods of time when you have had a back injury. Kneeling chairs could be the answer to your problems, these are chairs specifically designed for sitting with the thighs dropped at an angle of 60 or 70 degrees as opposed to a normal sitting position of 90 degrees. This allows some of the body weight to be supported by the shins.

These chairs were purposely built for reducing back strain by dividing the strain of body weight evenly between the knees and shins. If you are currently looking for a supplier of one of these kneeling chairs then a good place to start is in your local newspaper and local trade directories. Both of these publications will usually carry advertisements from companies promoting their services and products in the local area. A local trade directory will also have an n A-Z of all companies and wholesalers in your area.

Many people have misconceptions about the kneeling chair probably because of the name of it, they believe that if they have problems with their knees they cannot use one, but in fact it is untrue as the weight is not all on the knees, but still mainly on the buttocks and has proven to keep the spine in alignment. Another great place to start looking for kneeling chairs is online via the internet. Most companies now have a website where they can showcase all their services and products to the world. Most of the websites will have all the information needed and images of the designs and styles and colours of kneeling chairs they have available in stock.

It is not difficult to find these companies if you go to an online search engine and type in the words ‘kneeling chairs’ it will return a list of company websites specialising in kneeling chairs. If you are specifically looking for a supplier in your local area then just add your locality to the end of your search and it will return companies in your local area.


Kneeling Chairs from We specialise in providing chairs that promote better posture whilst maintaining comfort. Visit us online today if you’re looking for Ergonomic Chairs.