
Who Can Benefit From Safeguarding Adults Training?

Anyone who works with adults who are vulnerable or have special needs can benefit from completing safeguarding adults training. A lot of people who work with vulnerable adults are not really aware that they are doing so. This means that they do not always realise that they could benefit from this type of training.

Adults who are elderly, severely disabled or suffer from mental illness are seen by most people as being vulnerable. However, when you start talking about people who are substance dependant or suffer from mental illnesses that are seen by society as less serious, such as depression or mild OCD they are often not seen in this light. In reality, they are vulnerable as are some people suffering from chronic or life threatening illnesses. Being aware of their vulnerability is an important part of taking care of these adults. This means anyone who comes into contact with or works with vulnerable adults can benefit from safeguarding adults training.

Examples of How Safeguarding Adults Training Benefits Society

Take for example the meals on wheels worker, or volunteer, who has had basic training to recognise trip hazards. When they go into an elderly or disabled client’s home they can quickly spot trip hazards and many other kinds of hazards. This means that they can notify someone to get the hazard dealt with before the homeowner has an accident that leaves them seriously injured. It is a small thing, but can have a very positive impact on the person they are looking after and society as a whole.

Safeguarding adults training opens the eyes of people who work with vulnerable adults to problems that would not otherwise be obvious. It helps them to see when the people they come in contact with, on a day to day basis, need a little extra help. This kind of training allows them to recognise early signs of abuse, or signs that a person recovering from addiction is about to relapse and needs extra help. It allows them to tell the necessary authorities and organisations to get that adult the help they need before it is too late.

The Safeguarding Adults E Academy offers a wide range of safeguarding adults training courses. All of their courses can be completed on-line at your convenience.