
Why Should Your Child Move into a Bed?

Many parents enjoy having their small children close, hence the habit of sleeping with mum and dad is born. After a time however, it becomes imperative that the child move out of their parents’ bedroom and into a bed of their own. This has been a hotly debated topic with good arguments for and against children sleeping with their parents and here are a few reasons why they should move to the bed.


It is impossible for the parents to share intimacy with a baby or toddler snuggled up beside them. Parents need to have time to snuggle and relate to one another at bedtime in order to maintain a healthy relationship, which is good for the family as a whole.


As children grow, it is important to foster independence, which is hampered by sleeping in the same bed with their parents. This can be a fun confidence building exercise with just a little creativity. Create a star chart and reward system for each night your child sleeps in his/her own French bed.


Children must have a good sense of boundaries while growing up and allowing them to dominate the parental bedroom can skew the boundaries. You may notice your bundle of joy is more demanding than usual, or spoiled, as the old folks would say! Getting them their own beds, be it a fun painted bed or a simple one such as white beds, is vital.

Divorced Households

When parents’ divorce it is, a difficult situation for everyone, which is one, reason children often wind up in mum or dads bed. Initially this may seem like a perfect solution to loneliness and comfort, however when another partner enters the picture and the child is displaced hurt feelings and jealousy are common.


You can move your child from your bed to their own, but it will take a little time and patience. Reward systems and gentle encouragement are the best tools for this job. Eventually your child and your spouse will thank you!

Have a browse on our website for bedroom furniture and different sized beds.