Construction & Maintenance

Window Cleaning London

Window cleaning in London used to be a time honoured tradition and a career that could be passed on from generation to generation. Given the increase in health and safety precautions and regulations, window cleaning in London has seen a massive drop off due to liability and insurance concerns. If someone window cleaning in London was to fall off their ladder and have inadequate work insurance either they or the home owner would be considered liable depending on the stipulations of the agreement for work and the details of the accident and damages. Due to these confusions window cleaning in London on a domestic basis has been reduced to the point where it barely exists, this type of window cleaning in London only continues as a personal agreement between two friends rather than any kind of business dealings. Window cleaning in London does still exist on an industrial basis though, how would you be able to clean the windows of all the high rises and sky scrapers? You wouldn’t ask someone to hang out the window and try giving it a scrub, that’d be madness and utterly terrifying for those involved. You may wonder if the windows would even get dirty but being that high up and against wind conditions you are sure to see dirt and dust accumulating there within the space of a day easily.


Industrial window cleaning in London is less a business and more an extreme sport that you get paid for. Industrial window cleaning previously involved hooking a platform to the top of the building and slowly going down in rows across the window and lowering the platform. Modern industrial window cleaning in London is faster and arguably safer. Effectively it involves abseiling down the side of the building and washing the windows as you make your way down. Several people do this in rows, meaning the take less time to get the job done. Furthermore the equipment used is a lot safer than people previously being unattached to anything on the platforms when lowering themselves down. It may be dead in neighbourhoods, but window cleaning in London is alive and well for skyscrapers.



Window Cleaning London from We have a fantastic reputation for providing our customers with the very best service. Visit us for Commercial Window Cleaning London.